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Discussion id : 120-361
most recent 26 FEB 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 20 by Sourav Mitra
I am a breeder, I cannot list my new rose varieties. please help
Reply #1 of 7 posted 25 FEB 20 by jedmar
I see that you listed a rose yesterday. Have you solved the problem?
Reply #2 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by Patricia Routley
Could you elaborate more on the parentage of your two roses please
You have selected a seed parent of ‘sport of Gemini’ but we do not actually have a rose called ‘Sport of Gemini’ in the database

I am wondering how two roses with the same parentage can have such differences as
Pride of India - matte dark green foliage, and large pointed buds.
The Wizard of Kodaikanal - semi glossy, medium green foliage, and ovoid buds.
The blooms in the pot on your balcony of both roses look the same rose to me.

I note your comments of Feb 10 praising your rose in ‘Secret Lady’ and ‘David’s Love’.
We have deleted your identical comments from ‘Sister Ruby’, ‘Gemini’s Charm’, ‘Gemini’, ‘Moonstone’, and ‘My Lady Barbara’.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by SouravMitra
Hi, it seems I have solved the problem for now. And regarding the parentage I like to inform you that I have discovered a sport on GEMINI 4 year ago but it was a smaller flower with fewer & lighter petals that would drop off in 2 days. But when I discovered it and grafted to multiflora rootstock i studied that it was a much stronger plant and very disease resistant compared to Gemini. It also was a very good seed parent. I didn't register it though because Its with me only. I had around 22 seedlings of the same parentage out of that only 4 are good and are with me. 2 of them are still under trial. Will update on them soon.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by Patricia Routley
What is your code name for your sport please. We need to add the sport to the database.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by SouravMitra
My code name is sourav20164. You may also call it Gemilar
Reply #6 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by jedmar
It is not unsual that two roses with the same parentage look quite different, actuually it is almost a rule. Every seed is a unique combination of genes, so a hip can produce different offspring from single to full, and of different colouring, etc.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 26 FEB 20 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Sourav Mitra. ‘Gemilar’ added and is now shown as the seed parent for both your roses.
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