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Initial post
5 OCT 06 by
I am looking for a yellow rose, preferably pale, to plant with'Jardins de Bagatelle' and 'Truly Yours', both of which have strong thick stems, large flowers with many of petals, and are compact and very upright, growing to 3.5 to 4 feet tall and remaining narrow. I think Helmut Schmidt fits my need by descriptions, and would appreciate input. I want a pale yellow rose with similar growth and flowering habit that will not overpower or be overpowered by the other two. It would be along side of 'Truly Yours' and both would be in front of 'Jardins de Bagatelle' Thanks, BAM
There is a new Fl offered by Nor'East Mini roses called Light of Day.Noy sure of yor zone or growing conditions but this rose fits your description
dear BAM it depends a lot on where you live! I live in a very hot dry area and my Helmut Schmidt is practically orange. I think of Grandpa Dickson as a lovely pale yellow rose, and also Elina. One of the most beautiful I've seen is Golden Wings - it is a low growing, prolific single rose and has red-brown stamens. Hope this helps.
#3 of 5 posted
12 OCT 06 by
Dear Desert Dweller. I should have included climate info. I am in zone 7 in the mid-Atlantic region. The strong caned, narrow, compact and upright growth habit is important to this site. I need a rose that will not get bushy, floppy, and wide, and not exeed 4 feet tall, at least not by much. Could you comment on the growth habit of Helmut Schmidt in your garden. I have found that my roses match or slightly exceed the heights listed in the ARS rose book. Thanks again, BAM
I used to grow HS. It is a light colored HT of compact size. I donated it. The flowers were not of show quality. But if you are looking for a garden rose this will also fit your bill. Good Luck
Try "sunsprite" its the best yellow rose even though its a foribunda. I have had mine for over 10 years and have moved it several times