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Discussion id : 170-492
most recent 28 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN by Earth Angel Flower Farm
Why does the us patent info button on a rose give me an error message even though I have a premium
Membership? This has happened with all the rose I have checked
Reply #1 of 2 posted 28 JAN by Michael Garhart
It worked until USPTO changed their entire system. Even as someone with account access to the USPTO, its botched. Regardless of HMF, USPTO has not been working well for about 2 years. Its cumbersome to get into the system, IF it will let you on any give day, and then sifting through it is also cumbersome.

For new rose patents, I have been switching between Justia and Google Patents. NEITHER is complete whatsoever. If one doesn't have one, the other often does. Its strange. There is no good system right now, and nothing HMF could possibly do would fix this.

My suggest for others is to click a roses codename on HMF, Control + C over the name, then Control + V onto both Justia and Google Patents. IF neither brings anything up, try using their search functions for PP#####, where #### is the actual plant patent number on HMF listing. Do not use commas or spaces, because it will often just find that number in any patent but plants.

USPTO only has 2 plant specialists, and they have a few people working under them that work on the plant patents when they come across their desks. Plant patents are literally bottom of concern for the USPTO, and plant knowledge AND the specialized education required is so specific to college graduates that the govt finding, hiring, and retaining them would be a miracle.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 28 JAN by jedmar
Yes, unfortunately the direct link via HMF does not work anymore.
- Search on your browser: US Patent Public Search
- Click "Basic search"
- Add patent number in Quick Lookup in the format e.g. PP36400
- Pdf of patent is shown under Search results

Very often you might receive a message that access is not possible, or overload or the like. In that case:
- open a second browser window and go through the above in parallel
- second attempt works 100%
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