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Discussion id : 18-661
most recent 11 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAY 07 by Laurie
Just wanted to let you know that the "photo" page isn't working the way it used to. When you click on a picture, you used to be able to go to the next picture or the previous picture and now that option isn't there.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 11 MAY 07 by HMF Admin

It there, it's just that we moved it. Look for the small blue "NEWER" and "OLDER" links just above and below the photo. Sorry to have to make the change but this now makes the photo pages consistent with all the other pages that provide for "paging". Consistently is important for both site guests and system administration / maintenance.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for taking the time to bring this to our attention.

Best regards,

Tech Support
Reply #2 of 3 posted 11 MAY 07 by Laurie
I think I didn't explain what I was talking about well enough. I see the "NEWER" and "OLDER" links when you're looking at the overall group of pictures, but when you click on a picture to make it larger, you used to be able to go to the next picture from there. Now, you have to close that picture and click on the next one to enlarge it.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 11 MAY 07 by HMF Admin

Yes our answer applies to you post. On the full size photo display we've changed the link buttons to match those found on the other pages. Was it not working, thank you for the heads up, is the NEWER and OLDER links if you click on the very first photo thumbnail. We take a look immediately.
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