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Discussion id : 25-284
most recent 15 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
I would like to add R. Minutifolia var. Alba but when I go to the "contact" area it's blank.
Reply #1 of 13 posted 8 APR 08 by Cass
We would love to have your picture of the white form of Rosa minutifolia on HMF! What a nice find.

As soon as the upload is fixed, would you please post your photo to the name Rosa minutifolia f. albiflora, which is the correct name of the white form? The page has only the bare basics, right now, but we will flesh it out little by little.

Here is the page address that you can copy and paste into your browser:

Thank you so much for contributing to HMF.
Reply #2 of 13 posted 8 APR 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks for taking the time to report this error. We corrected the problem with the blank "Contact Us" form but that's not what you want to use to upload your photo. Click on the "How Do I..." link at the top of the page for instructions on how to upload your photo. We look forward to it !
Reply #3 of 13 posted 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Thanks for the quick answer Cass!

I've also a R. nitida wich is listed as Rosa nitida 'Kebu'
Can you add that one to?
Both 'kebu' and minitifolia albiflora doesn't bloom yet but you'll post when they do.

Best regards,

Reply #4 of 13 posted 9 APR 08 by Cass
Yes, I'll definitely add Rosa nitida 'Kebu'. Is 'Kebu' a species selection, not a hybrid?
Reply #5 of 13 posted 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi cass,

I have really no clue. Searching on the internet gives me this:

The other sites are from denmark and norwegian.

I was talking to the head of green-maintenance about roses in town. We looked on the list and the gouvernment has bought couple hundred bushes. When they bloom I'll add pictures of stipules, leaves, blooms and thorns.

Best regards,

Reply #6 of 13 posted 9 APR 08 by Cass
Timo, thanks so much. I see it is widely available in Scandanavia...but that's all I see.
Reply #7 of 13 posted 10 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi cass,

I've asked an aquaintance in Denmark and he's on it. I'll let you know when i know more.
Reply #8 of 13 posted 10 APR 08 by jedmar
Hi Timo,

The explanation is probably in this Danish text:

’Kebu’ er udvalgt i rosensamlingen, Hornum, blandt 4 kloner indsamlet som R. nitida i Danmark, hvoraf den ene ikke tilhører denne art, men antagelig er en hybrid.

Maybe your acquaintance can translate it.
Reply #9 of 13 posted 10 APR 08 by RosaTimothy

I mail him right away!
Reply #10 of 13 posted 13 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Cass,
I received the translation:

"Kebu is chosen in the rosecollection, Hornum (at cityname perhaps?), with 4 clones collected as R. nitida in Denmark, in which one of them is not belonging to that specis, but surely is a hybrid"

Well, their are 4 Nitida's and one of them is a hybrid. But it doens't say "kebu" is the hybrid. Could be an other of the 4. So it's still confused. :-)

Best regards,

Reply #11 of 13 posted 14 APR 08 by jedmar
I believe it is meant that Kebu is not the pre species form of R. nitida, but a hybrid.
Reply #12 of 13 posted 14 APR 08 by Cass
Thanks. I've added Hybrid Nitida to the description. I'm looking forward to more pictures.
Reply #13 of 13 posted 15 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
I mailed Dafo. Now I want to know really what Nitida Kebu is. :-)
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