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Discussion id : 25-533
most recent 21 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 APR 08 by RosaTimothy

I've a suggestion, is the add of more taxonomy information a good idea?
Color of thorns, shape of thorns, color of stigma, color of filament, color of plant itself, how the leaves are carved, stipules form.

Especially with spiecies or specieshybrids it's very good for IDing.
I've read a paper about the taxonomy from wild roses in Europe and it's very interresting.

Best Regards,

Reply #1 of 2 posted 18 APR 08 by Cass
Hi, Timo,
Even though many users have no interest in detailed botanical descriptions, we do try to include a good description of each species in the References. Knowing what we do about the range of variation within a species, it is always a bit misleading. We are still trying to find descriptions of particular species. It isn't always easy.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 APR 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks for taking the time to contact us with your suggestion - we are ALWAYS interested in ideas on how to improve HMF. As resources permit, we will be adding new "searchable" plant characteristics. Thanks again.
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