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Discussion id : 2-567
most recent 30 JUN 03 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUN 03 by LORI TATTERSHALL
we moved to this home and it had two roses bushes that were already here and planted but when they started to grow and make buds, the buds are opening up and then as soon as they open they look like they have been blooming for awhile, they are black on the edges and are real ugly. it is a white rose bush. is there anything that i can do to help the buds look like a rose???? thanks LORI
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 JUN 03 by The Old Rosarian
The damage you are describing is cause by a very tiny little insect called a thrip. It lays its eggs in the buds and that is where the damage is done. Any insecticide will solve the problem.
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