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Discussion id : 30-291
most recent 12 SEP 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 SEP 08 by CarolynB
Are there some varieties of roses that need more (or less) water than most others? I ask because I have a flower carpet rose in a spot which gets a lot of overspray from the lawn sprinklers, and it doesn't appear to like having the soil so wet so much of the time. (The leaves become discolored and paler and don't look right, although they don't have fungal disease.) I'm wondering if there are some varieties of roses which would like more water, and would thrive in that setting. For that spot, I prefer a Floribunda or Shrub that gets around 3 feet tall. Since I live in zone 9, it should be a rose that likes lots of dry heat in summer. Since I don't spray routinely, it should be disease resistant. Does anyone know of any roses that meet these criteria and like lots of water?
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