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Initial post 14 FEB 17 by drossb1986
Double Delight isn't a bad plant, and there are much better actual plants out there, however the coloring of DD just can't be beat in the realm of bi-colors. And, they smell amazing. In Houston it may get a touch of mildew in the spring, or a little blackspot. Nothing tragic.

Double Delight is a garden staple and it's easy to see why it has stuck around so long. Everyone stops to gawk at it, everyone has to put their nose in it, and everyone loves it. It's a bit like having an antique car...sure, there are more reliable and more comfortable newer cars available, but the style and cache of this "oldie but goodie" just can't be beat. IMO, they certainly don't make them like this anymore.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 14 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
Cherry Parfait here resembles Double Delight very much. It doesn't have any scent to compare, but it grows without the fungal issues and keep pushing new flowers when Double Delight stops. If you love the Double Delight coloring and don't have to have the scent, but want a stronger grower with healthier foliage, try Cherry Parfait.
Reply #2 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Where does this colour changing ability come from? Would it originally have been inherited form a China rose like 'Archduc Charles'?
Reply #3 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
Quite possibly. Some China roses deepen with age, heat and UV. European (and American) types fade.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by jedmar
I believe an important element is 'Rosa foetida bicolor' which is found in the ancestry of many (if not all) red/yellow bicolor roses. This rose has a high concentration of anthocyanin pigments (for red) on the upper side of its petals and an equally high concentration of carotenoid pigments (for yellow) on the lower side. These pigments are then found in varying combinations in its descendants. A good example is 'Rumba', where the red components deepen with time. It is thought that with UV light, biosynthesis of anthocyanins progresses in the direction of higher frequencies of light absorption (darker colours), while biosynthesis of the carotenoids progresses towards lower frequencies of light absorption (orange to light yellow to almost colourless). The resulting effect is that the rose seems to become redder with time. "The Chemistry of Rose Pigments" (1991) by Swiss chemist Conrad Hans Eugster gives a detailed description of these pigments and processes as relating to roses.
Reply #5 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
That's very interesting, thank you Kim and Jedmar.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
Thank you, Jedmar!
Reply #7 of 9 posted 15 FEB 17 by Give me caffeine
Thanks for that. Interesting to know, and explains how the 'Charisma' in my garden works.
Reply #8 of 9 posted 17 JUN 19 by kgs
I hear that a lot (about Cherry Parfait being similar to Double Delight) but after comparing both roses in their glory at the International Test Rose Garden in Portland, I see why people say that and yet there's something about Double Delight's coloring that is more complex than Cherry Parfait. Maybe it's that there is more yellow in it.
Reply #9 of 9 posted today by Matthew 0rwat
For me, Cherry Parfait has not personality or charm. The flowers and color change on Double Delight are much more elegant. It's strange how some roses have that indescribable something, while others of very similar coloring lack.
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Initial post yesterday by Ericchn
Why is it marked “tetraploid” on the main page whereas in the reference it was often cited as “triploid”?
Reply #2 of 2 posted today by jedmar
Please see the Member Comments of 2021 regarding conflicting information on the ploidy of 'Gloire des Rosomanes'. The 2003 reference of "triploid" is based on an 1954 article in the American Rose Annual. The ploidy was however measured as "tetraploid" in the most recent study of 2016. We have added this reference now. It is possible that different clones of GDR are in commerce.
Reply #3 of 2 posted today by Ericchn
Thank you!
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Initial post yesterday by a_carl76
Seraphim appears to be referenced as having the additional name of 'Sixth Winged' Howver, the source is a bit confusing because it contains this information at the bottom of a reference for 'Ninth Angel', 'Winged Angel', or 'Wings of Light' I am not sure if the Seraphim listed at the bottom of this source is merely a situation of cut and paste error, lost in translation (and therefore translates to the same name) or an actual specific reference to this particular rose variety. the color descriptions seem to be off a little suggesting 2 separate varieties but comparing the character names given on several sites they are the same (see versus The source sited below also lists Junko Kawamoto as the breeder.

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