'152-89-3' rose References
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 46. Halo Today Rated 7.7
Book (2001) Page(s) 48. Halo Today Miniature, orange pink, 1994. Rating: 7.7
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 292. Halo Today (MORtoday) Miniature. Moore (USA) 1994... pink flowers with lavender at the base of each petal...
Book (1998) Page(s) 38. Halo® Today Miniature, distinct pink/lavender area at base of each petal giving the center of the flower a halo effect, 1994, (MORtoday); Seedling ('Anytime' x 'Gold Badge') x Seedling ('Anytime' x 'Lavender Jewel'); Moore, Ralph S. Description.