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'Red Moss' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 130-941
most recent 1 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 DEC 21 by Charles Quest-Ritson
You say that Henri Martin was one of a group of people who promoted the American Statue of Liberty. That may be true (it's news to me) but in Europe we are told that the statue was commissioned to guard the Suez Canal and, when rejected by de Lesseps (the contractor), was shipped off to the US at the instigation of Édouard de Laboulaye, a French politician, to promote Franco-American amity. Henri Martin is better known as a conservative politician after the fall of Napoleon III in 1870 and the establishment of the Third Republic, and for his monumental 'Histoire de France'.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 JAN 22 by jedmar
According to Wikipedia, the project to build a statue for the Suez Canal was indeed rejected. This was never built. The concept of the Statue of Liberty was then developed in 1870 based on "Columbia" as a symbol and the Statue of Liberty built expressly for USA. The information about Henri Martin's involvement comes from Roger Mann's book "Naming the Rose" (2008). This probably needs to be modified somewhat: Henri Martin was a vice-president of the Union Franco-Américaine which proposed the statue. President was Edouard Laboulaye. The proceedings of the banquet of 6th November 1875 where the project was presented is available at the National Library of France:

You are correct that Laffay's rose celebrated Henri Martin for his work as a historian, not for the Statue of Liberty, which idea would not be around for another dozen years. We have modified the note accordingly.
Discussion id : 129-994
most recent 7 DEC 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 DEC 21 by Unregistered Guest
Available from - High Country Roses
Discussion id : 104-028
most recent 4 AUG 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 AUG 17 by Sambolingo
Available from - Old Market Farm
Discussion id : 54-852
most recent 6 JUN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JUN 11 by Patricia Routley
I know the records show Jean Laffay 1794-1878 sowed thousands of seeds of moss roses, but I am struck by the green moss of ‘Laneii’ (which Laffay bred in 1845 and then sold to Messrs Lane & Co. who introduced it in 1847 as ‘Laneii’.)
Just 17 years later Laffay also put out another red rose with green moss ‘Henri Martin’. No parentage is given but it is on the cards that a parent may be ‘Laneii’. Along with thousands of other parentages, of course.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 6 JUN 11 by Sandie Maclean
Fascinating Patricia-I have both roses but prefer 'Lanei'.
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