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'MOORcar' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 112-264
most recent 19 JUL 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUL 18 by Plazbo
Still flowering quite decently now in the middle of an Australian winter (so not that cold), have had two slight freezes (enough to see a slight ice covering over lawns and kill the foliage of intolerant plants like Mirabilis jalapa) but MC has been unphased. Is still with it's glossy dark leaves unlike almost every other rose in my garden. Biggest downside is aphids are very attracted to the plant.

It's interesting how many released offspring this rose has, most of it's seed for me have had obvious powdery mildew issues even in stems that are in their more adult phase so doesn't seem to be an issue it's seedlings grow out of.
Discussion id : 8-654
most recent 3 APR 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
I have seen this bush from 2' to 4' depending on climate location.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 22 JUN 05 by Unregistered Guest
Mine was 2+ ft high, less than 1ft wide, in the first year at full-full sun location, z6a, sandy soil, bought bareroot in carton box. Unexpectantly, the only miniature part of this rose was ... flowers.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 3 APR 18 by Plazbo
Mines in a pot, only half day sun and it's easily 4ft at the moment...but I'm in Australia so things often grow far above the stated size.
Discussion id : 70-636
most recent 26 MAR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 MAR 13 by Tomartyr
I'm wondering if the synonym 'Magic Carousel' shouldn't be recognised on HMF. Google reveals a number of references using the French spelling "carrousel" and others using the English spelling "carousel". I wasn't able to find this rose on HMF using 'Magic Carousel' because I had never encountered the word carousel spelt with two r's and it wasn't until I googled that I found it was listed on HMF with carousel spelt differently.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 MAR 13 by RoseBlush
Thank you, Keith. We try to avoid slight misspellings on the rose page, but I have set the HMF database up to recognize both spellings, but it will only show the spelling use by Mr. Moore and shown in the MR 12 database.

Discussion id : 65-391
most recent 26 JUN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JUN 12 by W.R. White
Magic Carrousel has small high-centered, double flowers of white petals edged with red. The plant is quite vigorous and hardy, tolerating almost any growing conditions.
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