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'Pax' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 96-263
most recent 12 FEB 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 DEC 16 by newtie
This rose is outstanding for garden merit. It is, in my opinion, the most elegant and sophisticated rose I have ever seem. It has perfectly formed long pointed buds of ivory white shading a bit toward creamy yellow and opening to ivory white, loose blooms that expose golden anthers before falling cleanly away. This display is seen against elongated, clean, gray green foliage. The plant is not exceptionally floriferous, but a rose with such gorgeous foliage does not require that it be solidly draped in bloom at all times. It sends out, long quite flexible canes that are easily trained and will drape itself gracefully over shrubbery and the lower branches of small trees. It is, even in the hot humid Southeastern United States, exceedingly healthy without spraying! And like most of the Pemberton hybrid musks, it shows tolerance to light shade. This rose was introduced to commemorate the end of World War I; hence the name. If there is a better, more elegant rose anywhere, or one of greater garden merit , I don't know what it would be. Unfortunately, Pax is becoming very hard to locate in the United Sates. Piety, because this is a stunning rose.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 8 DEC 16 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
It may be healthy but I hated it. There was very little bang for the buck and the growth habit is awful by most modern standards.

It probably works well in a wild or informal garden where as you say it can drape itself and grow with support amongst other shrubs.

It's not fun to prune either. The prickles are vicious.

This one needs space in order to do what it needs to do. I couldn't give it a home long term.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 FEB 19 by newtie
Yes, it is not for a small garden unless it is perhaps grown on a wall with lots of pruning. It is , I would think, of most use in a natural garden where there is room for it to roam. There are wonderful photos of pax uploaded here. Please see them to understand pax's great merit in a garden setting when grown among other garden shrubs an plants. It would indeed look out of place planted in a bed among only modern hybrid teas.
Discussion id : 96-534
most recent 24 DEC 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 DEC 16 by Kittyinthegrove
What is the difference between Pax and Prosperity?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 24 DEC 16 by billy teabag
I can kick off the responses with the observation that 'Pax' has much larger blooms and less of them in an inflorescence while 'Prosperity' tends to make more generous trusses of smaller blooms that look very white against the deep green foliage despite the fact that the buds are pinkish and the blooms can be tinged with pink. The blooms are of rosette form and the petals have a lightness that makes the blooms look soft.
'Prosperity' tends to grow as a graceful shrub with long arching canes that are well foliated.
I have not grown 'Pax', but seeing it in other gardens, it did not seem to have that graceful, relaxed shape and the foliage seemed sparser but this may have been because of the way it was pruned.
Need to add a disclaimer that this is based on the roses I know under these names in Western Australia. I'm not sure whether more than one rose is in commerce under either name. or if there are mix-ups in some nurseries or gardens.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 24 DEC 16 by Kittyinthegrove
The Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, TX, sells Prosperity, which I have and have enjoyed for years. But Hallie Beck in her book "Roses in a Desert Garden" raves about Pax, which as stated, is harder to find. (I also enjoyed Hallie's book and found it helpful for Texas conditions, too.) Thanks for the input.
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