'P. x lemoinei 'L'Espérance'' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 237. L'Esperance Hybrid Tree Peony (Lemoine 1909). A cross between Paeonia lutea and 'Yaso Okina'. A single yellow
Book (Jan 1999) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). Photographed at Hidcote Garden
Book (1992) Page(s) 300. L'Espérance A superb variety, pure yellow, red base, nearly single, 1909. 'Kintei' in Japan.
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 24. By Victor and Emile Lemoine, Single... 'L'Esperance,' (1909), yellow. There is a dispute whether this was raised, flowered, or introduced before Professor Henry's varieties.
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 58. Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955 Lutea hybrid, Yellow, 'L'Esperance' (Lem. 1909), [Gardens] Scott Foundation, John J. Tyler Arboretum, University of Washington Arboretum, Whitnal Park Botanical Gardens, [Nurseries] Oberlin Peony Gardens
Magazine (1955) Page(s) 50. L'Espérance — simple, jaune à onglet rouge.
Website/Catalog (1940) L'Esperance (L.) Clear primrose yellow with a buff shade, blotched Carmine at the base. Single large flower. Imported novelty being a hybrid between Paeonia lutea and moutan.
Website/Catalog (1935) Page(s) 24. Hybrides de Pæonia lutea...L'Espérance (L.) [Lemoine] La plus récherchée des ces pivoines hybrides. Grandes et nombreuses fleurs simples, bien présentées de face, jaune primevère nuancé de saumon. La pIèce, 250 fr.
Magazine (1920) Page(s) 194. Paeonia “l'Espérance” Lemoine & Fils, Cat. No. 173, vn. (1909).
Book (1917) Page(s) 113-114. Two recent hybrids of P. lutea and P. moutan offer much of interest and beauty, though not as early flowering as either parent. P. L'Esperance, introduced in 1909 by Lemoine, is similar to P. moutan in foliage and habit, and has single flowers eight inches across with eight or ten broad-fringed petals, in colour soft yellow tinged with buff and splashed at the base with red.