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'P. forresti synonym' peony References
Article (magazine)  (2001)  
Paeonia delavayi Franch....
1. Shrub more than 1 m tall (usually up to c. 1.8 m):...... 1. var. delavayi
1. Shrub or subshrub up to not more than 1 m tall:..... 2. var. angustiloba
2. var. angustiloba Rehder & Wilson in Sarg., Pl. Wilson. 1: 318 (1913)...

2. Petals orange or yellow:...... 2b. var. angustiloba f. trollioides

2b. var. angustiloba f. trollioides (Stapf ex Stern) S. G. Haw, stat. nov. Typus: China, NW Yunnan, Deqen, Baima (= Beima) Shan, Mekong-Yangtse divide, 11,000 ft., open stony pastures, Forrest 13195 (holotype, E). Syn. P. trollioides Stapf ex Stern, Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 56: 77 (1931); P. potaninii var. trollioides (Stapf ex Stern) Stern, Stud. Gen. Paeonia 50 (1946); P. X franchetii J. J. Halda, Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat. 4 (2): 31 (1997).
I include plants with orange flowers under this name, but, as noted under var. delavayi f. lutea.... these may be the result of hybridisation between plants with red and yellow flowers, so this inclusion is more or less arbitrary.
Book  (Jan 1999)  Page(s) 20.  
P. potaninii trolliodes a highly desirable form [of P. potaninii] with delicate yellow flowers
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 14.  
Paeonia potanini variety trollioides Stapf ex F. C. Stern, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 1943.
Syn. P. trollioides Stapf ex F. C. Stern in Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 1943.
P. forresti trollioides. Saunders in Nat. Hort. Mag. 1934.
Like the type, it is stoloniferous. This botanical variety differs from the type in that its segments and lobes are more oblong and shortly acuminate. The flowers are yellow and do not open widely but are shaped more like the flowers of Trollius. For this reason it might be ·called the globe-flowered tree peony, but it seems more likely to be called Forrest's tree peony. The flowers are also held more erect than those of the type. It is a more effective plant than most plants of P. lutea because the flowers stand up well above the foliage. Collected by Père Monbeig and by Forrest on Mekong-Yangtse Divide. Introduced into commerce by Ruys 1939 as P. forresti.
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 22.  
Similar differences of opinion greeted later discoveries by the botanist, Potanin, and the great explorer, George Forrest.....Forrest's plant, a yellow, got into the trade under the name P. forresti, and then Stapf in another unpublished paper called it P. trollioides because its cup-shaped flowers reminded him of the genus Trollius. The National Horticultural Magazine, in 1934, under a photograph by Silvia Saunders, coupled the two names, and then Stern decided the plant was merely a botanical variety of P. potanini.
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