'Ludovica' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 78. Ludovica Herbaceous Peony. Saunders 1941. A translucent, rose-colored hybrid, the result of a cross between Paeonia lactiflora and P. peregrina...
Book Page(s) 22. Albiflora x lobata. I have used the following lobatas: lobata (Perry) usually so indicated. 5267. 4765. 8019. all seedling lobatas from their appearance. ...9915-72 58 1875 x lobata (Perry) 9926 Ludovica J. Cowley Cytherea Paladin
Book Page(s) 31-32. 9915-72 58 1875 x lobata Perry 9915 1938 in 10.7 row 12.... ...9922...1934 June 4 . Pollen 6-8%
9926 in 7.6 row 9 (1) 8.8 r 6 (1) r 9 (1) ? 4738) 10.4 r 14 & 10.5 r 1"Best pink semi" Ludovica 10, 16 r 8.9 (11+17) 10.15 r 9 (6+2+5) 9927 1934 June 4 Pollen 6-8%