'Ella Christiansen' peony References
Book (1928) Page(s) 22. Includes photo(s). New Peonies Originated by A. M. Brand In 1923, at the St. Paul-Minneapolis National Peony Show, we exhibited about twenty of our new peonies. These seedlings were all varieties selected by us in 1920 from our trial beds. [...] The judges told us after the judging was done that it was the greatest exhibit of new peonies ever staged anywhere by an originator. These seedlings were awarded the Society’s Gold and Silver Medals, the Gold Medal going to the variety Mrs. A. M. Brand, a great white, and the Silver Medal to the variety Myrtle Gentry, a delicate pink. Several awards of merit were also given. ...In this collection of Seedlings appeared the following varieties: Ella Christiansen (A. M. Brand 1925). Pink. Although not so deep a pink as Blanche King, Ella Christiansen is so far removed from the delicate pinks in coloring as to be a real acquisition to the garden. The flower is very large, both on the plant in the field, and also when handled as a cut flower. As a bloomer, it is probably the most profuse of all this list of seedlings. The flower is exceedingly large. The petals, long and narrow, are heavily serrated on the edges. The flower opens cup-shaped at first and then flat. As a field flower, Ella Christiansen received unbounded praise from every visitor as it has an irresistable appeal. We think more and more of it every year.