'Milton Hill' peony References
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 10. Peonies Milton Hill (Late) Fine lilac rose. 50¢
Book (1928) Page(s) 63. A List of Sixty Choice Peonies of the More Expensive Varieties Pink Varieties Milton Hill (Richardson). 9.0. This is a very beautiful flower of a delicate shade of salmon pink, resembling Walter Faxon. When this variety is shown in first class form it is impossible to beat it in the show room in its color. This variety received a rating of 9.0 with 63 people voting. We are never able to supply the demand for roots.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 25. Milton Hill (Richardson) American Peony Society Rating of 9.0 (63 votes) Beautiful shade of clear pink, overlaid with a sheen of very delicate lilac. Very beautiful cup shaped flower of rose type. Very late and very high class.
Book (Jan 1917) Page(s) 61. ...Milton Hill, another of the finest pink peonies.
Book (1917) Page(s) 97. Milton Hill. Large compact flower of soft clear flesh colour. Fades rapidly in the sun. Form very beautiful. Centre petals arranged like those of a rose. Richardson. Rose. Pink. Large. Late. Medium to tall. Strong grower. Free bloomer. Cutting.
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 149-150. MILTON HILL. Species — P. albiflora. Originated by Richardson. Donated by Shaylor. Description of bloom —Type of bloom rose. Form of bloom globular, compact. Not differentiated. Entirely transformed. Color (total effect) 1 (130) pale lilac rose; guards clear; collar same as guards; center clear. Very distmct, pure color. Fragrance lacking. Blooming time late. Very large size. Description of plant — Habit of plant drooping, medium height, medium compact. Growth strong. Stem medium long, medium strength, green. Blooming habit medium. Buds borne in clusters. Foliage medium furnished, light green, medium size ; veins green. Commercial value — For cut bloom good ; landscape value medium. Variety as a whole good. Synonym — " Augustus Gould."
Book (1907) Page(s) 11. At the Boston peony show it was hard to find anything superior to some of Richardson's. His Grandiflora is a wonder, Milton Hill is a splendor.
Book (1907) Page(s) 44. Milton Hill. Richardson, 1891. One of the most exquisitely beautiful peonies in Europe or America. Flowers large, ethereal, clear, soft pink; central petals set like a rose, perfectly double. One looking at this resplendent bloom realizes we need not go to Europe for the best. Unfortunately it is not a prolific multiplier.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 6. Paradise, an elegant violet tinted flower, petals radiating evenly from center in all directions, reminds one of Milton Hill