'Flambeau' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 235. Flambeau Hybrid Tree Peony (Lemoine 1930). A double red hybrid
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 24. By Victor and Emile Lemoine, Yellow with red... 'Flambeau,' (1930)
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 57. Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955 Lutea hybrid, Yellow with reddish tones, 'Flambeau' (Lem. 1930), [Gardens] Scott Founfation, John J. Tyler Arboretum, University of Washington Arboretum, [Nurseries] Cottage Gardens, Oberlin Peony Gardens, Tingle Nursery Company
Website/Catalog (1935) Page(s) 24. Hybrides de Pæonia lutea...Flambeau (L.) [Lemoine] Grandes fleurs pleines rouge saumoné vif veiné pourpre, palissant à la défloraison. La pièce, 75 fr.