'Aza Gray' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 161. Asa Gray Herbaceous Peony. Crousse 1886. A double pink lactiflora
Book (Jan 1999) Page(s) 252. Asa Gray Herbaceous Peony. Crousse (France) 1886. Double pink... deep rose-pink flowers...
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 8. Peonies Asa Gray (Mid-season) Pale lilac, carmine dots. 35¢
Website/Catalog (1937) Page(s) 34. Double-blooming...Paeonia sinensis....Asa Gray, flesh-coloured with lilac reflexes
Book (1928) Page(s) 58. A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties Pink Varieties Asa Gray (Crousse). 8.1. Pink. When grown in a soil that is suitable to it, and well grown, this is one of the most beautiful of all peonies. It seems to do best in heavy dark loams. The flowers are large and of true rose-type. The guard petals are salmon pink, thickly marked with minute specks of deeper pink. It is a variety that is easily identified, a prolific bloomer, and fragrant. Probably the most beautiful of all the speckled varieties.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 10. Asa Gray (Dessert 1921 [sic]) American Peony Society Rating of 8.1 (59 votes) Pale lavender pink delicately dotted carmine. Large, massive and compact fragrant bloom imbricated like a rose. Of refined appearance. Erect, medium height. Midseason, profuse bloomer of great beauty. Each $1.50
Book (Jan 1917) Page(s) 85. Includes photo(s). Asa Gray. Extremely full flower of pale flesh colour, with tiny dots and splashes of a deeper tint of flesh sprinkled evenly all over the petals. Very striking and effective. Note colour plate. Crousse, 1886. Semi-rose. Light pink. Very large. Midseason Fragrant. Tall, vigorous and upright. Profuse and sure bloomer. Garden and cutting.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 15. Choice List of Peonies Asa Gray — Large, full imbricated Rose-formed bloom; grand petals salmon-flesh; center very full and perfectly formed; flesh-pink, delicately dotted and flaked with carmine and lilac; strikingly imposing and valuable; a most unusual sort. From the formation of the flower it is designated as a double-decker. 75 cents each.
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 120. BÈLISAIRE......Remarks— Bloom is identical with "Asa Gray," the only difference in the two varieties being that "Belisaire" has red stems, "Asa Gray" green.
Website/Catalog (Aug 1910) Page(s) 10. Asa Gray (Cr.); imbriquée, carné saumoné.
[no longer listed in the 1928 catalogue]