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'Red Devil' rose References
Book  (Jul 1996)  Page(s) 34.  Includes photo(s).
Red Devil Large-flowered bush (Hybrid Tea) Dickson (Northern Ireland) 1967 ('Coeur d'Amour') Description.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 488.  
Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1970, (DICam; 'Coeur d'Amour'); 'Silver Lining' x 'Prima Ballerina'; Dickson, A.; J&P. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 172.  Includes photo(s).
('Red Devil', 'Coeur d'Amour') A typically high-centered Hybrid Tea. Foliage crimson when young. Dickson (Northern Ireland) 1970. ('Silver Lining' x 'Prima Ballerina')
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 400.  Includes photo(s).
Red Devil ('Coeur d'Amour', Dicam) Hybrid Tea. Dickson (UK) 1970... blooms of rosy-scarlet, the reverse lighter...
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 138-139.  Includes photo(s).
Red Devil Description.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 47.  
Red Devil. Huge exhibition-size blooms on a vigorous upright bush. Crimson red with a slightly paler reverse. Very fragrant. Medium. Dickson 1967.
Article (misc)  (1980)  Page(s) 21.  
'Red Burn' crossed with 'Prima Ballerina' produced Red Devil... 75 petals which refuse to open in damp weather... Nevertheless, it is the principle exhibition variety in the United Kingdom.
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 111.  
 'Red Devil' Tall   Light red   Remontant   P5   H2  *****
The perfect exhibition rose, because it grows with great vigour, and gives the most inexpert gardener the opportunity to grow flowers as good as those which win prizes. Expect  it to match 'Peace' as a plant, if not to outgrow it. 'Red Devil' is a superb variety, almost a shrub, an asset to any gardener whose heart leaps when he sees a wonderful flower he has grown  himself. The colour is perhaps a little disappointing, because we always like our reds to be dark. If all exhibition varieties were also garden roses as great as this, my previous strictures on the subject, inserted under 'Rose Gaujard's' name, would be pointless.  Raised by Pat Dickson from 'Silver Lining' x a seedling from a 'Prima Ballerina' line; it was introduced in 1967. In France it goes under the name 'Coeur d'Amour', a marked reformation of a 'Red Devil'.
Book  (1975)  Page(s) 105.  
A. P. C. Dickson. A Breeder's Reply.
I brought in 'Red Devil', introduced in 1967 - 'Silver Lining' x 'Prima Ballerina' - well, not quite all 'Prima Ballerina' and perhaps now is as good a time as any to say she did have some help. It's a devil indeed in the wet, though a great plant, with excellent health and lovely foliage. However, it has one major fault - too many petals. A breeder will tell you that it's easier to take petals off than put them on. Seventy-five in the case of 'Red Devil'....
Book  (1974)  Page(s) 37.  
Leonard Hollis, England.  
While not as allergic to rain as its seed parent, 'Red Devil'......
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