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'Altar Candles' peony References
Magazine  (Nov 1921)  Page(s) 159.  
"Mrs. Pleas on Raising Seedling Peonies"
...Kelway's single white, The Queen, was our only plant bearing seeds, blooming before any other kind was open; it was not hybridized, yet from this one planting I have every color and shade from White Swan to Black Beauty. [...]
From this one planting of single white seeds came Elwood Pleas, Midsummer Night's Dream, Gem, Mary, Quaker Lady, Shabona, Mad. Pleas, Walter Morgan, Golden Wedding, Nellie Pleas, Gypsy Queen, Laura E. Pleas, and Rosy Dawn in doubles; and in singles, White Swan, Wild Rose, Golden Cushion, Pocahantas; among the Japanese, Dr. Edgar Pleas, Novelty, Altar Candles, and Golden Nugget represent the best. [...]
—Sarah A. Pleas, Whittier, California
Magazine  (Jul 1921)  Page(s) 129.  
Mrs. Pleas' Estimate of Her Own Peonies
Japanese Varieties
Altar Candles — The most unique of all the class; a living candelabrum, its little waxen candles (stamens), each with a flat, flame-colored tip, never wilt, but finally shell off like the stamens of Magnolia Grandiflora.
Magazine  (Jan 1920)  Page(s) 11.  
Mrs. Pleas' Estimate of Her Own Peonies
by Sarah A. Pleas.
My Altar Candles is well named clustered chandeliers, burning without consuming sweetest incense from Sabbath to Sabbath, growing more beautiful in death, when it scatters its candles of alabaster purity without extinguishing their flame, on the bosom of mother earth as a sacrificial offering to its foster mother.  They rattle off like so many toothpicks before wilting.
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