'Minnie Mouse' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p7 1988. Roller Coaster - Macminimo. Nicknamed Minnie Mouse
Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. 1985-1986. 1980 p13. 161. Roller Coaster. Minnie Mouse - MACminmo. (Super Sid x Stars n Stripes)
Book (1999) Page(s) 87. Roller Coaster (MACminmo). 'Minnie Mouse'). McGredy, N.Z. 1987. Miniature. Red/white stripes. [available from:] Golden Vale, Knight, Minirose, Wagner.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 512. Includes photo(s). Roller Coaster MACminmo. syn 'Minnie Mouse'. Modern, Miniature, red blend. Repeat-flowering. 'Roller Coaster' has striped red blend flowers that are really a beautiful random mixture of red, creamy yellow and white; no two flowers are identical. The florets are semi-double with 6-14 petals, have a light fragrance and tend to grow in small clusters of 10-12 blooms. The bloom cycle is fast with the fully open flowers being the most beautiful stage, providing a wonderful carpet of bold color mixtures. The foliage is small, mid-green and glossy on a tall, upright, vigorous plant. In semi-tropical climates this rose can grow like a shrub and has a gangly habit if left untended. However, the spreading habit makes it an ideal choice for containers, against a wall, or in a raised bed where it can spill over. This rose was popular in Australia, where it first appeared as 'Minnie Mouse'. Zones 5-10. McGredy, New Zealand, 1987. ('Anytime' x 'Eyepaint') x 'Stars 'n' Stripes'.
Article (magazine) (Nov 1998) Page(s) 15. Roller Coaster [McCann writes:] once in California I saw Roller Coaster, the lovely red and white striped mini positively bursting toward the sky. In Europe the same rose is a robust plant but certainly not a climber.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 501. Roller Coaster Miniature, red blend (striped), 1987, (MACminmo; 'Minnie Mouse'); ('Anytime' x 'Eyepaint') x 'Stars 'n' Stripes'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1991) Page(s) 133. Roller Coaster One of Sean McCann's favorite single-petalled miniature roses.