Book (1907) Page(s) 25.
Regarding a list of twenty-four varieties of peonies which we consider best for cut flower purposes, we are pleased to name you the following list: Achillea, blush white, early; Alba Sulphurea, white, late; Alexander Dumas, pink and salmon; Beaute Francaise, flesh pink; Charles Verdier, lilaceous pink; Couronne d'Or, white; Delachei, purple crimson; Duke of Wellington, sulphur white; Duchesse de Nemours (Calot), white; Duchesse de Nemours (Guerin), pink, early; Festiva, white, early; Festiva Maxima, white, early; Humei Carnea, pink, late; Louis Van Houtte, crimson, late; Mme. Breon, rosy flesh white, early; Mme. Forel, pink, late; Nec Plus Ultra, pink; Mme. Coste, tender rose and white; Queen Victoria, flesh white; Jennie Lind, pink, early; Lady Bramwell, pink; Officinalis Rubra fl. pl., crimson, earliest; Officinalis Rosea Superba, rose pink, early; Rubra Triumphans, crimson, early.
Cottage Gardens Co.