'Edwin C. Shaw' peony References
Book (1928) Page(s) 61. A List of Sixty Choice Peonies of the More Expensive Varieties Pink Varieties Edwin C. Shaw (Thurlow). 9.1. A large cup-shaped flower produced on strong stems. The outer petals are broad and rounded with carmine tracings, the inner petals gradually growing smaller and shorter to the center. The color is a clear shell pink. Ever since we first grew the Thurlow seedlings, we have been very much impressed with their almost universally outstanding qualities. At first we thought President Wilson the finest peony of the lot, but after several years of careful comparison have come to the conclusion that we like E. C. Shaw even better. It is our first choice of the Thurlow peonies, anyone of which is first class. One of the very finest of peonies.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 12. Edwin C. Shaw (Thurlow 1919) Clear shell pink. Outer petals broad and rounded, sometimes slightly edged crimson. Petals nearly the same length except center petals are short giving the flower an elegant cup-shaped form. Each $15.00