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'Fragrans Maxima Plena' peony References
Book  (Jan 2000)  Page(s) 227.  
Fragrans Maxima Plena Tree Peony. ex France pre-1955... pink
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 57.  
Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In  Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955
Chinese, Rose Red, 'Fragrans Maxima Plena', [Nurseries] Oberlin Peony Gardens
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 57.  
Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In  Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955
Chinese, Rose Red, 'Fragrans Maxima Plena', [Nurseries] Oberlin Peony Gardens
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 151.  
Pivoines en arbre...Fragans maxima plena.- Grande, très pleine, saumon vif, odorante.
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 68.  
Paeonia arborea...fragrans maxima plena. Salmon-pink...1 piece M 15,00-25,00
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 219.  
Fragrans maxima plena, flesh pink and salmon.
Magazine  (May 1912)  Page(s) 187.  
Association horticole lyonnaise Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du dimanche 21 Avril 1912 ...
Examen des apports. — Sont déposés sur les tables les produits suivants :....- Par M. Janichon, jardinier chez M. Godinot, à Tassin (Rhône) : Un très intéressant apport se composant de quelques variétés de Pivoines en arbres, fleurs coupées, soit : Reine Elisabeth, Fragrans, Moutan, Lactia ....
....A M. Janichon, pour l’ensemble de son apport, prime de 2e classe
Magazine  (Jun 1910)  Page(s) 227.  
Association horticole lyonnaise Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du samedi 21 mai 1910.... Examen des apports. — Sont déposés sur les tables les produits suivants : ....
— Par M. Janichon, jardinier chez M. Godinot, à Tassin (Rhône) : ..... 2° une collection de fleurs coupées, comprenant les genres suivants : Pivoines en arbre, variétés Elisabeth, Fragrans maxima, Bijou de Chuzan....
....A M. Janichon, pour ses fleurs coupées, prime de 1re classe
Website/Catalog  (1893)  Page(s) 41.  
Tree Pæonies.  Pæonia Arborea.
This beautiful group of shrubs is among the oldest of introductions from Japan, but magnificent new varieties have been added from year to year until we have a long list of wonderful forms.  They are quite distinct from the herbaceous section, and have shades of color not found in the latter; and when once established form compact bushes, which in spring are covered with the gigantic blooms.  These pæonies are a little tender in exposed situations north of Boston; but if planted in a sheltered, warm location, and protected during the first two winters by a covering of pine boughs, or other loose material, will eventually establish themselves, and form one of the most decorative features of the garden.  Like the herbaceous kinds, they enjoy rich soil, and the blooms last longer and come finer when partially sheltered from the hot sun.  They are well worth the little trouble entailed in their cultivation.  We can offer strong plants of the leading and most hardy kinds; but as they are slow and difficult of propagation, this fact will account for their relatively higher cost over the herbaceous kinds.  Having secured a large stock of these beautiful plants, we are enabled to offer them at lower prices than ever before.  2 year plants, 75 cents each; 3 year plants, $1.00 each.
Fragrans Maxima.  Globular flower, fine salmon rose.  Very handsome shape.
Magazine  (22 Jan 1887)  Page(s) 77.  
The Tree Pæony. 
...For the last twenty years or longer we have had to look to our French neighbours for new sorts of Tree Pæony, for since they have taken the work of hybridising and raising seedlings in hand they have supplied us with all the finest sorts.  Until now the list is long- too long, in fact, for names are given where very shadowy differences exist.
List of select Varieties.
Fragrans maxima flore-pleno
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