'Golden Wedding' peony References
Magazine (Nov 1921) Page(s) 159. "Mrs. Pleas on Raising Seedling Peonies" ...Kelway's single white, The Queen, was our only plant bearing seeds, blooming before any other kind was open; it was not hybridized, yet from this one planting I have every color and shade from White Swan to Black Beauty. [...] From this one planting of single white seeds came Elwood Pleas, Midsummer Night's Dream, Gem, Mary, Quaker Lady, Shabona, Mad. Pleas, Walter Morgan, Golden Wedding, Nellie Pleas, Gypsy Queen, Laura E. Pleas, and Rosy Dawn in doubles; and in singles, White Swan, Wild Rose, Golden Cushion, Pocahantas; among the Japanese, Dr. Edgar Pleas, Novelty, Altar Candles, and Golden Nugget represent the best. [...] —Sarah A. Pleas, Whittier, California
Magazine (Jul 1921) Page(s) 129. Mrs. Pleas' Estimate of Her Own Peonies Standard Double Varieties Golden Wedding — Rev. C. S. Harrison's favorite; double white, with yellow center.
Magazine (Oct 1917) Page(s) 32. Proceedings of the American Peony Society for the year 1917 Fifteenth Annual Meeting held at Philadelphia, June 13 and 14, 1917. From Mrs. Sarah A. Pleas, Whittier, California. Finally Mr. C. S. Harrison, at his own suggestion, took quite a block of divisions of my seedlings, and grew them for me on shares. He asked me for in formation as to their culture, and how to grow them from seed. So I have always regarded him as my pupil. He has proved a very apt one indeed, and has "done himself proud". I too have been proud of his work, more especially of his Peony Manual, though I felt a little jealous for not having anticipated him in writing the things I knew so well, and which were so greatly needed. From among the plants he took, he named one Golden Wedding, another Shabona, a third The Maiden.
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 77. GOLDEN WEDDING. Species — P. albiflora. Originated by Pleas. Donated by Cottage Gardens Company. Description of bloom — Type of bloom anemone. Form of bloom globular, loose. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) yellowish white ; guards splashed with rosy white ; center canary yellow, clear. Carpels green, yellow stigmas. Bloom fades to creamy white center. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time early. Size large. Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, tall, medium compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters. Foliage medium furnished, medium green, medium size; veins red. Commercial value — For cut bloom poor; landscape value medium. Variety as a whole medium.
Book (1907) Page(s) 40. Golden Wedding. Mrs. Pleas, 1900. This is the only purely yellow peony we know of. It is not a large flower; semi-double, and is not a long keeper, but it is solid yellow.