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'Joséphine impératrice' peony References
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 57.  
Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In  Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955
Japanese, Lilac Rose, 'Imperatrice Josephine' (Hiss 1939), [Gardens] Whitnal Park Botanical Gardens
Magazine  (20 Apr 1889)  Page(s) 354.  
Moutan Paeonies in pots.—Although it is a century since the Moutan or Tree Pæony was introduced into this country, it is by no means a common plant, and is not grown nearly as much as its merits deserve.  Many of the new varieties far excel the typical form both in size and colour of the flowers.  Pæonies will not force early, but grown as pot plants and kept in a cold frame, they produce a grand display of bloom at this time of year.  Being gross feeders they require liberal treatment, and should never be allowed to get dry.  Amongst the best varieties are Reine Elizabeth, Comte de Flandres, Caroline, Impératrice Josephine, and Salmonea.  A fine group of these is a great attraction in the greenhouse at Kew. — F. G.
Magazine  (22 Jan 1887)  Page(s) 77.  
The Tree Pæony. 
...For the last twenty years or longer we have had to look to our French neighbours for new sorts of Tree Pæony, for since they have taken the work of hybridising and raising seedlings in hand they have supplied us with all the finest sorts.  Until now the list is long- too long, in fact, for names are given where very shadowy differences exist.
List of select Varieties.
Impératrice Josephine, rich rose, splashed with red
Magazine  (16 Nov 1863)  Page(s) Back Cover.  
Pivoines en Arbres...Impératrice Joséphine...3 fr
Website/Catalog  (1860)  Page(s) 27.  
Chinese Tree Pæonies. — Pæonia Moutan.
These are the most splendid and showy of all flowering shrubs, and among the most rare.
The flowers are mostly fragrant, and all are double, unless denoted otherwise.  They are perfectly hardy, and will withstand the winters of our most northern States and the Canadas.  They bloom in May, ten to fifteen days before the Chinese Herbaceous varieties.
The following are imported varieties.  We can supply extra size plants of most of the varieties, at a moderate advance in prices.
52.  Imperatrice Josephine...  Large, purple, deeper centre...  $2.00 
Website/Catalog  (1857)  Page(s) 9.  
Pivoines en Arbres .... Impératrice Joséphine (Hiss), très-grande, fleur rose vineux foncé ... 2 francs
Magazine  (1 Sep 1855)  Page(s) 203.  
Les variétés les plus remarquables sont : Athlète (Mouchelet). Blanche de Noisette (Noisette). Carolina (Manetti). Christina (Manetti). Comte de Flandres. Elisabeth. Fragrans maxima plena. Joséphine Imperatrix (His). La Ville de St-Denis (Mouchelet). Lactea. Lambertinæ (Makoy). Lilacina major plenissima. Louise Mouchelet (Mouchelet). Madame de Vatry (M. G.) Neumannii. Prince Troubetzkoi. Ranierii. Rinzii. Rubra adorata plenissima. Savii. Triomphe de Malines. Triomphe de Vandermaelen. Vandermaelii. Van Houttii.
Eugène VERDIER fils aîné.
Website/Catalog  (1855)  Page(s) 16.  
Tree Pæonies.
Among the choicest hardy shrubs, the Tree Pæony and its numerous varieties stand preeminent.  By the labors of the French and Belgian cultivators, many new varieties have been produced, of remarkable beauty, and distinct in their character.  A larger part of these have been added to our collection, and yearly accessions will be made till all are added to our list.
Imperatrice Josephine...  $2.00
Magazine  (1853)  Page(s) Annex p. 30.  
EXPOSITION DES 10, 11, 12, 13 ET 14 MARS 1853...
Guérin-Modeste, Rue des Boulets, à Paris.
1943 Pivoine impératrice Joséphine.
Magazine  (1 Jun 1852)  Page(s) 89.  
Pivoines arborescentes.
A la dernière floraison des Pivoines, nous avons remarqué, dans la riche collection de M. Guérin-Modeste, rue des Boulets, 7, à Paris, quelques variétés tout à fait extrâ, que nous croyons pouvoir recommander aux amateurs.  Ce ne sont pas des dernières nouveautés; beaucoup se trouvent déjà chez les horticulteurs qui s'occupent de ce beau genre.  Ces belles plantes, les voici:
Impératrice Joséphine.  Fleurs rose lilacé.
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