'Violet Mist' rose Reviews & Comments
Simply fantastic mini-flor. PERFECT buds and blooms. Very clear medium-pale lavender but not Grey. Very vigorous, heavy bloomer, tall bush, long stems. Magnificent clusters with up to 8 or 9 flowers, each one perfect. Also has single stemmed blooms alongside the candelabras.
Initial post
6 MAY 23 by
Additional synonym: Lavender Mist.
Ref. - MR12, page 267. "Lavender Mist - see Violet Mist, MinFl"
Rosa, page 390 "Lavender Mist - see 'Tinviolet' "
#1 of 1 posted
7 MAY 23 by
Synonym added, thank you!
Initial post
17 NOV 09 by
Wonderful little HT shaped pale lavender blooms are elegant. Plant is 2-3ft tall the first year-with summer trimming. Beautiful matt green small & dainty leaves that have been disease-free all year long (BS has been horrible here). Very vigorous, bushy, well clothed plant. Tolorates some shade/filtered light very well--doesn't get leggy. This little rose can fit in small spaces very nicely. The color compliments whites, ambers, and pinks. It's a keeper!!
Violet Mist make a fast growing, huge plant up to 4 feet tall, with long stemmed flowers both in sprays and one-to-a-stem. I love these soft lavender blooms in a cut flower bouquet for the house. The open blooms are about 3 inches across and make a great display in the garden or a vase.
Nice, medium green foliage that has good disease resistance.