'Paeonia suffruticosa var. flore purpureo' peony References
Book (1817) Page(s) 790. On connaît une variété à fleurs doubles, d'un rose pourpre que relève le jaune éclatant des étamines, à pétales plus courts, et à odeur d'essence de rose. C'est le pæonia fruticosa odorata. And. 448. B. rep.
Book (1813) Page(s) 748. On connaît une variété à fleurs seulement doubles, mais d'un beau pourpre que releve encore le jaune éclatant des étamines. ANDREWS nous en a donné la figure, planche 448 de son Botanist's repository.
Book (1806) Page(s) Vol. 7, tab 448. Includes photo(s). PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA ; Var.flore purpurea. Shrubby Paeony ; Purple-flowered Variety. CLASS XIII. ORDER V. POLYANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Many Chives. Five Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx 5-phyllus. Petala 5. Styli 0. Capsulae polyspermae. Cup 5-leaved. Petals 5. Pointal none. Capsules many-seeded. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Paeonia caule suffruticoso, tripedali, ramoso: folia alternatim bipinnata, pedalia et ultra, bifida et trinda, subtus glauca : petiolis longis, canaliculars, amplexicaulibus : floribus semi-duplicibus, purpureis, splendentibus. Peony with a shrubby stem, three feet high, and branching: leaves alternately two-winged, a foot or more in length, two-or three-cleft, glaucous benetah; the petioles are Long, channelled, and embracing the stem: flowers semi-double, purple, and very splendid. This elegant plant is the purple variety mentioned in our last Vol. Pl. 373. and flowered at the same time, with completely double flowers, and so equal in point of beauty, that we hesitated some time before we could determine to which we should give preference. But had we seen the purple one in its present semi-double state, it would undoubtedly have claimed precedence, as well from its preserved botanical character, as its superior beauty. The singular versatility of These plants we were entirely unacquainted with when we figured the rose-coloured one; as, since that period, we have seen them in bloom with single flowers, the following year with double ones; and again the year after we found this purple one in the semi-double state which our figure represents, the plant then bearing five-and-twenty flowers in full perfection, forming a coup-d'oeil superior to any shrub we have ever seen.