Asociación Chilena de la Rosa
Society. Asociación Chilena de la Rosa. (non profit society ). Our email is secretaria@asociacionchilenadelarosa.cl and web site is: www.asociacionchilenadelarosa.cl Is possible to include our logo in our society details? How? I am member of this Society, encharged of the web site.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
You HMF membership is linked to this listing and as such you are able to make changes and additions to the listing whenever you desire.
You are welcome to include a logo on your listing. Visit you society listing and click the "Photos" tab. You will now find a button labeled UPLOAD PHOTO. Use this link to upload your logo and any other photos of your organization you would like share with the HMF community.
Thank you I upplodded the society logo. This logo is only for Asociación Chilena de la Rosa, not my personal email.
The email Society is secretaria@asociacionchilenadelarosa.cl
Best regards and roses,
Please upload your logo to this page using the UPLOAD SOCIETY PHOTO button found there - http://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=5.22874&tab=36
Your current logo upload in incorrect.
Now you've got it !
Thank you very much,
Regards and roses,