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The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists' Magazine
(1 Dec 1835)  Page(s) 265.  
A Description of Roses. By Mr. T. Rivers, jun., Nurseryman, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire.
In attempting a descriptive catalogue of Roses, I hope to be excused errors, which it seems almost impossible wholly to avoid. Roses vary so much in their form and colour in different seasons and situations, as sometimes scarcely to be recognised... what I hope to accomplish is, to give an idea of what they ought to be in form and colour, under favourable circumstances of soil and situations; and where there is so much confusion as at present in the names and arrangement of Roses, to be among the first in attempting a correct nomenclature.
Rosa gallica (or French Roses.).
A fleurs a Feuilles Marbré, purple crimson marbled, compact and very double.

The following terms are used to express the form of the Flower:
Compact.—Petals stiff, close and upright, resembling a double Ranunculus.
(Dec 1849)  Page(s) 315.  
"Superb Roses".
We scarcely need remark that all the best sorts of Roses are exhibited in competition at the London Floral Shows. From them we made selections of the very best, and also in looking over the collections in the principal Rose nurseries. We can strongly recommend to our readers the kinds we enumerate...
Bourbon Roses. Acidalie, white, large, beautiful.
These roses may be trained to form pillar roses of six feet or less as desired, a strong turfy loam well enriched suits this class admirably, manure-water is beneficial. These roses bloom from June to December.
(Jun 1855)  Page(s) 158.  
Meeting of the Horticultural Society, April 3rd, Regent Street.
The following New Roses are very fine:
Adam Paul, very large and full, rose colour, very sweet...
(1 Dec 1834)  Page(s) 279.  
Remarks on the Colours and Properties of One Thousand Species and Varieties of Roses. By St. Patrick.
I have very frequently felt the want of a list of Roses, which should contain a description of the colour of the flowers, &c. This deficiency, I am pleased to say, I had most agreeably made up a few days since, by having a catalogue put into my hands of a thousand sorts cultivated by Mr. Wood, Nurseryman, Woodlands, near Maresfield, Sussex, and of Paris. The description in the catalogue pleased me so much, and afforded me information at once so useful and interesting, that I resolved on arranging the kinds alphabetically, which is not done in the catalogue, and forwarding the list for insertion in the Cabinet, believing it would be found of use to a great portion of its readers.
Scotch Roses.
974. Adelaide... Large fine red.
(1833)  Page(s) 8.  
Adelaide d'Orleans. Large bright pink.
(1850)  Page(s) 66.  
Sempervirens Section - Adelaide d'Orleans rosy-pink. Felicité perpetue, creamy-white with under side of petals pink. Leopoldine d'Orleans, white shaded with rose. Rampant, pure white. Princess Marie. French-white and pink. Carnea grandiflora, pretty flesh-colour. These have shining green leaves, which are retained till winter. Bloom in clusters
(Nov 1836)  Page(s) 242.  
A Description of Climbing & Autumnal Flowering Roses, by the Rev. James Jones, A. M. Bristow Rectory.
Many of the Autumnal Flowering Roses being now in bloom, both climbers and others, I forward for insertion in the Cabinet, a list of what I know to be good. The kinds I have seen in bloom, and have carefully compared the flowers with the descriptions given by Mr. Rivers, Mr. Wood, and others, celebrated for growing Roses, that I can testify to their correctness and agreement, as to merit. I have forwarded the list now in order that, being inserted immediately, it will be serviceable to those persons desirous of procuring plants for autumn planting.
Climbing Roses. Evergreen Roses (Rosa sempervirens).
Adelaide d'Orleans, colour, pale rose, shaded; form, imbricated and double.
(1 Oct 1838)  Page(s) 226.  
A List of the most Superb Roses in the Varied Classes. Selected by Mr. Charles Wood, Maresfield Nursery, Uckfield, Sussex.
An abridged List of Select Roses.
Adelaide D'Orleans, splendid large cream colour.
(1 Oct 1838)  Page(s) 228.  
A List of the most Superb Roses in the Varied Classes. Selected by Mr. Charles Wood, Maresfield Nursery, Uckfield, Sussex.
An abridged List of Select Roses.
Adéle de Senânge.
(1 Aug 1842)  Page(s) 188.  
London Horticultural Society's Show.
The following fine kinds were shown by Mr. Paul, of Cheshunt:
Gallica: Adele Prevost...
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