(1976) Page(s) 73. 'Altalaris' (Skinner, 1941) - Result of a cross between R. s. var. altaica X R. acicularis, vigorous bushes, single blooms, pink, blooms in June, hardy.
(1976) Page(s) 61. Since 1954 Suschkow and Besstchetnowa in the Botanical Garden of Alma-Ata are dealing with interesting work of study and testing of varieties as well as breeding. ....More than 50 varieties which are adapted better to local conditions, were bred. ... As a result of this work the Hybrid Tea varieties 'Alye Parusa', 'Kasachstanckaja Jubileynaja', 'Kolchozniza', 'Privet iz Alma-Ata', 'Junnatka', 'Jaroslawna' and others were obtained.
(1976) Page(s) 60. The task to hybridize and select roses were carried out 1939 by Kostezki in the Botanical Garden of Nikita. From 1948 to 1951 21 own-bred varieties were approved and mass Propagation started, among them 6 sorts Tea-Roses, 5 Hybrid Perpetuals and 10 Hybrid Teas (Rose Catalogue 1941; Kostezki 1951): 'Tscherwona Ukraina', 'Nega', 'Jubileynaya'. 'Utschan-Su', 'Artek' and others.
(1976) Page(s) 118. 'Baltimore Belle' (Feast, 1843) = R. setigera X hybrid of R. gallica - Blooms double, fragrant, straw-yellowish pink to pinkish white.
(1976) Page(s) 258. Echo ---> 'Brilliant Echo' 1927, glossy pink
(1976) Page(s) 47. The selection of R. canina as understock for garden roses in the 20th century was carried out mainly in former Germany, partly also in France, Denmark and the Netherlands, and 20 forms were selected. The most well known are: R. c. 'Brögs Stachellose' (known since 1896), R. c. 'Deegens Canina' and 'Heinsohns Rekord' (since 1935), R. c. 'Kokulinsky', R. c. 'Kordes Inermis' (since 1943), R. c. 'Pfänder', R. x pollmeriana (since 1904), R. c. 'Poulsen', R. c. 'Schmids Findling' (since 1952), R. c. 'Schmids Ideal' (since 1912), R. c. 'Schmids Rekord' (since 1930), R. c. 'Senff' (since 1919), R. c. 'Succes' (since 1918).
(1976) 'Canary Bird' (R.hugonis x R.xanthina) first shown 1945 at an exhibition in England by RUSSEL.
(1976) Page(s) 118. 'Cantab' (Hurst, 1927) = R. nutkana X 'Red Letter Day' (Hybrid Tea). Bushes 1,5 to 2 m tall; blooms single, to 8 cm in diameter, cupped, deep pink with white center; once-blooming in summer.
(1976) Page(s) 118. 'Captain Kidd' (Horvath, 1934) = R. setigera x ''Hoosier Beaty' (Hybrid Tea) - Blooms cup-shaped, double, fragrant, blood-red, on long frim stalks.
(1976) Page(s) 61. According to Suschkow, also the sorts 'Contrast', 'Ramon Bach', 'Leni Neuss', 'Kathrine Kordes' and especially 'Staatspräsident Päts' are suitable components for hybridisation, especially the last sort produces as seed plant vigorous shrubs with long, straight canes, which end with a bloom at the tip.