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Shinners' & Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas
(1999)  Page(s) 955-956.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa foliolosa Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, (full of leaves, profusely-leaved), WHITE PRAIRIE ROSE, LEAFY ROSE. Dwarf, rhizomatous shrub to 0.5 m tall; prickles few, very small, slender, straight or nearly so; leaflets glabrous or pubescent on veins beneath, 7-11; stipules glandular-ciliate, flowers usually solitary, short-pedicelled, ca. 4 cm across, petals white or rarely light pink. Prairies and open thicket or roadsides, calcareous clay or less often sandy soil; Blackland Prairie W to Grand Prairie, mainly nc Tx s to Edward Plateau Mid-May-early Jul. [ed. note: this Flora covers a portion of north-central Texas roughly represented by as a "U" with the base at Austin, the NW corners at Abilene and Wichita Fall, and the NE corner at Red River.]
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