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Characterization and Genetic Relationships of Wild Species and Old Garden Roses Based on Microsatellite Analysis
(2006)  Page(s) 71-72.  
ʻAlain Blanchardʼ, which is considered a cross of R. ×centifolia x R. gallica (Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000) and thus either apportioned to the Centifolias (Dickerson, 1999) or to the Gallicas (Beales, 1985; Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000), and ʻYolande dʼAragoneʼ, a Portland rose, were located in the same branch with the Gallicas.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
Results did not confirm the hypotheses about the origin or identity of ʻCoelina Dubosʼ and ʻAlba Suaveolensʼ. ...ʻAlba Suaveolensʼ, considered by Beales (1985) synonymous with ʻAlba Semiplenaʼ, showed a different genetic profile.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻJenny Duvalʼ and ʻBelle de Crécyʼ, classified either within the Gallica or within the Hybrid China roses (Beales, 1985; Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000; Dickerson, 1999), are found in the same branch together with the two Gallica  accessions R. gallica L. ʻConditorumʼ Diek and R. gallica ʻOfficinalisʼ Thory.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ and ʻHermosaʼ, whose proper apportionment to Hybrid China or Gallica (ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ) and to Hybrid China or Bourbon (ʻHermosaʼ) is uncertain, clustered in the Rosa section and thus may indeed belong to the Gallica and Bourbon groups, respectively.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
Results did not confirm the hypotheses about the origin or identity of ʻCoelina Dubosʼ and ʻAlba Suaveolensʼ. ʻCoelina Dubosʼ is believed to be a sport of ʻRose de Roiʼ (Dickerson, 1992), and clustered in a different branch of the  dendrogram...[closer to 'Rose de Puteaux']
(2006)  Page(s) 68, 71.  
p. 68: ...identical phenotypes were found within OGR cultivars for R. xcentifolia L. 'Rubra' and 'Crested Moss', for 'Kazanlik', 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux' and 'York and Lancaster', and for 'Old Blush' and 'Viridiflora'.

p. 71: ʻCrested Mossʼ, apportioned to the Centifolias (Cairns, 2000) or to the Moss (Beales et al., 1998), is considered by some authors as a seedling of R. ×centifolia (Beales et al., 1998). According to these data, ʻCrested Mossʼ shared the same allelic profile with R. ×centifolia ʻRubraʼ. That it originates from this hybrid accession is thus confirmed but ʻCrested Mossʼ is more likely a sport of the accession ʻRubraʼ than a seedling.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻDuchesse de Montebelloʼ, either apportioned to the Gallica (Beales, 1985; Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000) or to the Noisette (Dickerson, 1999) roses, resulted being grouped in the section Rosa. [i.e. Old European Garden Roses]
(2006)  Page(s) 72.  
ʻExposition de Brieʼ, classified as a Floribunda (a group of modern roses) (Cairns, 2000) or a Hybrid Perpetual (Beales et al., 1998; Dickerson, 1992), is clustered with a Bourbon (ʻLouise Odierʼ), the group from which the Hybrid Perpetuals derive.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ and ʻHermosaʼ, whose proper apportionment to Hybrid China or Gallica (ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ) and to Hybrid China or Bourbon (ʻHermosaʼ) is uncertain, clustered in the Rosa section and thus may indeed belong to the Gallica and Bourbon groups, respectively.
(2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻJenny Duvalʼ and ʻBelle de Crécyʼ, classified either within the Gallica or within the Hybrid China roses (Beales, 1985; Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000; Dickerson, 1999), are found in the same branch together with the two Gallica  accessions R. gallica L. ʻConditorumʼ Diek and R. gallica ʻOfficinalisʼ Thory.
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