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De Hortis Germaniae
(1561)  Page(s) 296 verso.  
Rosa moschata, vel Damascena, Alexandrinave, Nesrin Serapionis, ut Anguillara docet: magno in hortis nobilium quorundam Germaniæ uirorum, & quidem paucorum, studio colitur: Monspelii (ni fallor) syluestris exit. Ego nuper ex amplissimo horto generosi & illustris uiri domini Geor. Fuggeri horto plantas eius quator nactus, plantaui. Flores nondum uidi Folia minuta & ordine quadruplici bina profert quibus unum in summo accedit. Hyeme superiore plérics ists frutices frigore perierunt.

The Muscat rose, or Damascena, of Alexandrina, Nesrin of Serapion, as Anguillara teaches: it is cultivated with great interest in the gardens of certain noble men of Germany, and indeed of a few: it comes out of the forest of Monspelii (I am not mistaken). I recently from the very large garden of the noble and illustrious man Mr. Geor. Fugger. When I got four of his plants, I planted them. I have not yet seen the flowers. The leaves are minute and fourfold in order. Last winter these bushes were killed by the cold.
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