Hi! I agree with all the others who are very impressed with your very beautiful rose garden! Very, very, nice, indeed. Now, I have a question with regard to the rose Osiana. Dimensions are not given on the HMF site. Can you tell me how old your plant is and give me its estimated height and width? I just orderded one and want to give it ample room to grow easily away from other roses nearby. Thanks for your early reply.
Initial post
28 OCT 08 by
Hi, What is your opinion of the DElla Reese rose. Is the color as dark as it seems, fragrant, form, vigor? It looks beautiful in the photos, and am wondering if its worth trying.
Thanks, Liz
Athena, your photos are really exceptional.
Thank you for the compliment! I'm in the process of going through all of my photos and will be posting them for this great HelpMeFind database. I really like viewing how rose varieties look in different gardens across the country
Most beautiful photo I've ever seen of this rose!