'The Queen Elizabeth Rose' References
Article (magazine) (2023) 'Queen Elizabeth', Source/Accession RRG [Raleigh Rose Garden] ...Estimated ploidy level(x) 4
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s).
Book (2006) Page(s) 220. Cupped medium pink flowers in small clusters on a gigantically tall plant. It is difficult to imagine what to do with this rose, as it is so far out of scale for the average garden; nonetheless we see it again and again, surviving the toughest of climates and being loved for its 'down-to-earth' simplicity. AARS, 1955.
Book (2001) Page(s) 447. Plant Introductions in the period 1900-2000 1954 Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' (syn. R. 'The Queen Elizabeth') Raised by Dr. W. Lammerts in the USA:
Book (Jun 1999) Page(s) 12, 27. Includes photo(s). Page 12: [Photo] Page 27: [Photo] Description
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 40. Includes photo(s).
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 492. Includes photo(s). Queen Elizabeth Cluster-flowered/Floribunda. Lammerts (USA) 1954. Description... It has large, pointed, medium pink blooms that have a high center... The Queen Mother granted permission for her name to be associated with this rose on condition that it should be named in full -- 'The Queen Elizabeth Rose'. Any modification does not therefore carry the same validity...
Article (newsletter) (1997) Page(s) 7. Immunex can cause unacceptable growth regulator effects on certain varieties of roses. This has been documented by independent and university researchers in Texas and at our own research facilities. The varieties that I have seen the most objectionable effects on are 'Peace, 'Garden Party', and 'Queen Elizabeth' roses. The symptoms appear as a severe stunting of plant growh, a darkening of foliage and a downward cupping of the foliage
Book (Jul 1996) Page(s) 19. Includes photo(s). Queen Elizabeth Cluster-flowered bush (Floribunda) Lammerts (USA) 1954. ('The Queen Elizabeth Rose') Description.
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 38-39. Includes photo(s). It's a hybrid tea in continental Europe and a floribunda in most English-speaking countries. It grows tall and not too wide and makes an excellent hedge.