'Prairie Wren' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 466. Shrub, medium pink, 1946, Pedigree involves 'Ophelia', 'Turkes Rugosa Samling' & R. spinosissima altaica; Morden Exp. Farm. Flowers rich pink, semi-double, large; heavy, non-recurrent bloom; very hardy.
Book (1967) Page(s) 44. Some All-Canadian Roses by Fred Blakeney, Victoria, B.C. The Federal Department of Agriculture Experimental Station at Morden, Manitoba, has been carrying on a rose-breeding programme for over 42 years. It is now under the direction of Mr. H. F. Harp, the object in view being to develop a garden rose that will survive the cold winters of the Prairies. Furthermore, it aims to develop winter-hardy roses having the repeat-blooming characteristics, Hybrid-Tea form, fragrance, good plant habit with disease-resistant foliage. This is quite a programme, and one which of necessity must take a number of years to achieve. However, they are well on their way, and have produced the following varieties: "Prairie Wren", shrub, also introduced in 1946, has a similar pedigree [as 'Prairie Sailor'] except that "Ophelia" has been used instead of "Dr. W. Van Fleet". It has large, semi-double, rich pink non-recurrent blooms in profusion and is hardy on the Prairies.
Article (misc) (2 Nov 1946) Weekly Notes Dominion Experimental Station, Morden, Manitoba, November 2, 1946 This document is located in the Frank Leith Skinner papers at the Archives of Manitoba
"Prairie Wren rose is a third generation open-pollinated seedling from a combination of Madam Butterfly and Turkes Rugosa Samling crossed with Rosa altaica. It is a shrub rose of R. altaica habit and appearance. The large blooms have two rows of petals coloured a pleasing shade of pink, which appear in profusion during the latter part of June. It is quite hardy at Morden. The cross Mdm. Butterfly x Turkes Samling was made in 1928. This hybrid was crossed with R. altaica in 1936. One plant from this combination showed superior qualities in habit, texture and colour of flower. The hips were also distinctive, being somewhat pear shaped, large, and coloured mahogany red. The open-pollinated seeds from this plant were sown in 1942, and the plants flowered in 1945. Prairie Wren was selected in 1945 and named in 1946."