'Roberta Bondar' rose Reviews & Comments
My plant is fantastically vigorous.
In my zone 7 [NC] garden it grows 13 feet tall (maybe more) and 6 feet wide. The flowers are 4" across with some scent. It needs spraying for blackspot and though the flowers are nice, they are not produced in enough abundance to balance the large size of the plant. My front porch is built 6 feet above the ground and the flowers tower above me.
It is fertile as a pollen parent
I purchased a Roberta Bondar from Palatine Roses about six years ago. It grew well for two, maybe three years. I cannot say I was wowed by it; but it did survive long enough to please me for a few seasons. And that merits some praise for a rose in my garden. But in its third year it did what Folklore, Duftzauber 84, and a few other roses on multiflora rootstock here do; it lost vigor. It moped for a few years. The coup de grace was having the roots nibbled to a nub by voles.
I've learned that the soil in that area has a pH of 8.0 and I am in the process of ammending it with elemental sulfur. I've also ordered a replacement. Will report back...
This is hands down the best yellow climbing rose I have ever grown or been able to sell at our farm. I LOVE its clear lemon yellow colour and amazing flowers. Every time I look at this rose I smile. My plants have surived cold winters growing in pots and produce loads of fresh growth from the base each season. This rose should be grown more widley as its an outstanding plant and flower! It can be very fragrant when its in the mood. It is also highly disease resistant for me. I would rank it as one of the top ten roses I have ever grown. Other gardeners in my area all report that its one of their best performers. I also love that it is a Canadian bred rose! Brad
Available from - Palatine Roses