Website/Catalog (2013) Page(s) 4.
Hybrid Tea Bush Roses ....Colour Magic - Soft Rose tones, med.
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 7. Includes photo(s).
Book (2006) Page(s) 189.
Color Magic HT, rapid rebloom, moderate fragrance; super-vigorous with stout, very tall canes; Warriner, 1978; (provennace: UC Davis) Large,, peach pink flowers with a halo of ruddy salmon, Color Magic is changeable in the degree of salmon that washes over the flowers. At best it is sculpturally ahandsome and bright, at worst, a sodden mess of dull and muddy colors that beg to be deadheaded.
Book (2002) Page(s) 34.
Rated 8.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 171. Includes photo(s).
‘Color Magic’/JACmag = Hybride de Thé. Rose abricot à l’éclosion… long bouton… grande fleur double à 25 pétales, ivoire rosé se teintant richement de rose intense à mesure qu’elle s’épanouit en coupe presque plate... la tenue en vase est parfaite. Ce grand rosier au feuillage sombre et sain est aussi beau en massif qu’associé à des vivaces. Warriner, US, 1978.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 56.
Color Magic is [Redell's] favorite all-time rose
Book (Apr 1998) Page(s) 10.
Some rosarians in Northern Ohio consider [this variety to be an] annual
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 30.
Color Magic (JACmag) Hybrid Tea. Warriner (USA) 1978... fantastically large, perfectly formed blooms in a blend of pink and cream... cannot stand up to northern winters...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 125. Includes photo(s).
Color Magic Large-flowered. Parentage: Unnamed seedling x 'Spellbinder'. Bill Warriner 1978. Description... flowers: they blend just about every shade of pink, from blush to carmine...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 103.
Color Magic Hybrid Tea, ivory to deep rose, 1978, (JACmag); Seedling x 'Spellbinder'; Warriner. Description.