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'Belle de Londres ®' rose References
Magazine  (Sep 2008)  Page(s) 20.  Includes photo(s).
Jeff Wyckoff: Compassion ....
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 35.  
Rated 8.7
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 172-173.  Includes photo(s).
‘Compassion’ /’Belle de Londres’ = Grimpant à grande fleur. C’est l’une des plus belles réussites de l’hybridation… Alliant des fleurs de premier rang à un parfum enchanteur, le tout sur une plante robuste et généreuse, c’est un sarmenteux idéal, aussi à l’aise sur un treillage que sur une pergola ou contre un mur… Harkness, UK, 1973.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 172-173.  Includes photo(s).
Compassion ('Belle de Londres') Large-flowered Climber... one of the all-time greats in rose breeding... It is the most popular climbing rose in England... large salmon-pink, apricot-shaded blooms...
Website/Catalog  (23 Oct 1998)  Page(s) 28.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 60.  Includes photo(s).
Compassion ('Belle de Londres') Large-flowered hybrid tea climber) A great favourite because it has delicious fragrance, large flowers of pretty form, handsome dark leaves and the ability to bloom freely throughout summer and autumn... Harkness 1973
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 95, 97.  Includes photo(s).
Page 95: Compassion ('Belle de Londres') Climber. Harkness (England) 1973. Description... the best climber Schneider has ever grown.. large apricot-pink blooms, very healthy...
Page 97: [Photo]
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 32-33.  Includes photo(s).
Compassion One of Michael Gibson's fifty favorite roses... beautifully shaped, hybrid tea-type flowers of apricot pink with a soft orange glow in the centre... The scent, too, is outstanding... 'Compassion' is known in France as 'Belle de Londres'... The name 'Compassion derives from the United Kingdom welfare organization REHAB, and a proportion of the receipts from the initial sales went to this charity... It has been introduced into the Harkness breeding lines and been eminently successful as the parent of two outstanding hybrid teas, 'Paul Shirville' and 'Rosemary Harkness'...
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 252.  
Compassion Harkness (UK) 1974. 'White Cockade' x 'Prima Ballerina'. Description... soft salmon-pink
Book  (Mar 1994)  Page(s) 96-97.  Includes photo(s).
Compassion Climber. Harkness 1971. Description and vital statistics... salmon orange and copper gold to silvery pink, resembles a hybrid tea, may suffer winter damage...
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