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'Desiré Parmentier' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 59.  
Désirée Parmentier ...(Debate surrounds the exact identity of this rose. Some experts feel it doesn't fit with either the Gallicas or the Damasks and therefore, think it needs to be categorized as a "found rose" - meaning a rose whose exact identity is unclear at this time). It has grown almost 6 feet high and just as wide....heavenly scented blooms and...rosy pink flowers, which appear tightly coiled with many petals. 'Désirée Parmentier' blooms in midsummer when most other once-bloomers have completed their cycle of flowers. In my garden, it has exhibited a modest amount of suckering and cane dieback.
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 57.  Includes photo(s).
The light green leaves of 'Désirée Parmentier' are a gentle variation next to the full-petaled, lavender-pink blossoms of the rose.
Article (website)  (2005)  Includes photo(s).
Désirée Parmentier is the first gallica that I came to know as an unnamed found rose. I grew it for almost two years before I came close to having an official name for it....As a shrub, it is very upright for a Gallica, tending to grow straight up to 6 feet, and a narrow 3 feet across, very similar to the Alba that bears its "sister" name, 'Felicité Parmentier', It seem slikely that this is a hybrid including Centifolia genes in its background. Desirée's blooms are a very vibrant mid-pink that fades to pale around the edges, and they are very full...There are at least a hundred and fifty small petals filling this rounded bloom, and it produces a very fine, strong Damask/Gallica scent. The leaves are typical Gallica, but a bit more coarse than the average....There is some doubt as to the identity of this rose, and it is possible that this may in fact be 'Prolifera de Redoute'.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 41.  
Desiré Parmentier Gallica. Parmentier, pre-1841. The author cites information from different sources... Bright pink... flesh... Deep vivid pink...
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 52.  
Before 1848. Possibly a Centifolia hybrid, one probably developed by Parmentier in Belgium. Description.
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 210.  
Désirée Parmentier Parmentier (Belgium), before 1841. Habit: upright shrub; numerous prickles, bristles. Foliage: medium green, ellptical leaflets. Bloom: solitary or in 2s or 3s; medium size, double, cupped; central rosette; short sepals. Colour: soft pink. Fragrance: moderate. This variety was obtained by Louis finds it in the catalogue of the sale of his roses after his death in 1847 (among centifolias, not the gallicas). F. Mertens, director of Rosa belgica, who has studied his [Parmentier's] breedings in particular, considers 'Désirée Parmentier' to be one of the roses of Parmentier. ...It figures in the 1841 catalogue of Verdier, who describes it as "large, full, pink"...Van Houtte, friend of Parmentier, presents it also in his catalogue of 1843 (among centfolias), and describes it in the same terms.
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 9.  
Gallica, medium pink, flower size: 8.0 cm (3.0 in), very fragrant, double, flowers per cluster: 2-5
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 46.  
Height/width 5.5 x 6.5 ft. (1.7 x 2.0 m.), habit: suckering
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 60.  
In the years tested, 'Désirée Parmentier' showed some blackspot, slight powdery mildew and leaf spots, and no signs of rust.
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