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'Everblooming Jack Rose' References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 43.  
Dean Stringer.  The Evolution of the Hybrid Tea Rose.  ….In 1905 Hill & Co. released a new red rose bred from ‘Liberty’.  It was called Richmond.  This rose was renowned to be in flower more constantly than any of the previous garden roses.  For many years it was the mainstay of the cut flower industry. 
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 497.  
Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1905, ('Everblooming Jack Rose'); 'Lady Battersea' x 'Liberty'; Hill, E.G., Co. Bud long, pointed; flowers bright scarlet, varying greatly at times, double; fragrant (damask); vigorous growth. A famous parent.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 497.  
Richmond Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1905, ('Everblooming Jack Rose'); 'Lady Battersea' x 'Liberty'; Hill, E.G., Co. Description.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 271.  
Richmond Hybrid Tea. E.G. Hill Co., 1905. Parentage: 'Lady Battersea' x 'Liberty' [author notes the Royal National Rose Society's Annual mentions 'Général Jacqueminot' in place of 'Liberty'.] [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1983)  Page(s) 48.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  From Then to Now.    Richmond HT (Hill, 1905) was a shapely, bright scarlet cultivar.
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 77.  
 Richmond.   Named for the hometown of the E. G. Hill Company, who had lost no time in putting ‘Liberty’ to good use, by pollinating ‘Lady Battersea’ to raise this valuable red rose.  H. R. Darlington said that “This Rose is more constantly in flower than any Rose in the garden”, and in America it had the nickname Everblooming Jack.  It was for many years a mainstay of the cut rose industry, upon whose agenda a red rose has usually been the first item.  The smooth stems and long slim buds of ’Richmond’ live in my memory, although it is many years now since we grew it.  Its only trouble as a garden rose was the way the colour burned in hot sun.
Book  (1956)  Page(s) 106.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  The Newer Roses in Victoria. ‘President Eisenhower’. HT (J. Hill, 1953) is a bright rose-red variety with medium sized flowers, many of which are malformed, while all of them are too flat by modern standards.  They are not unlike those of Richmond (E. G. Hill, 1905).
Book  (1952)  Page(s) 71.  
A. W. Jessep.  Some Observations on Roses Overseas.  The most popular varieties that I noticed in the glasshouses were Ophelia, Roselandia, Ena Harkness, Richmond, Better Times, Lady Sylvia, President Hoover, Mrs. Herbert Stevens and Picture.
Book  (1949)  Page(s) 146.  
Dr. James Alexander Gamble.  The Rose Named ‘Liberty’. 
….The breeding promise of ’Liberty’ was recognised at once by the late E. G. Hill of Richmond, Indiana.  He bought the American rights soon after it was produced…..’Liberty’ is a brilliant, velvety crimson.  The Hills called their first bright scarlet improvement over ‘Liberty’, Richmond, to mark the place of its production.  The Montgomerys of Hadley, Massaschusetts, when they produced an even better, richer crimson ‘Richmond’, called it ‘Hadley’.   Dorner, to bring the glory of this rose line back to Indiana, called his glowing crimson rose ‘Hoosier Beauty’.  A few years later, the Verschurens of Holland, in order to have national credit for the deep bright red rose they produced from ‘Hadley’, called theirs ‘Etoile de Hollande’….. 
Richmond was by ‘Lady Battersea’, a daughter of ‘Liberty’ and ‘Liberty’ herself;  ‘Hadley’ had as seed parents both ‘Liberty’ and ‘Richmond’, and ‘General MacArthur’ as her pollen parent;’  ‘Hoosier Beauty’ was by ‘Richmond’ and ‘Chateau de Clos Vougeot’ an outcross;  and ‘Etoile de Hollande’ was by ‘General MacArthur’ and ‘Hadley’…..
Book  (1949)  Page(s) 32.  
C. C. Hillary.  Some Impressions of Roses and Rose Culture in England.  It is remarkable that in the cut-flower trade in England not one rose of comparatively recent introduction is represented.  Autumn, Talisman, Katherine Petchtold, Lady Sylvia, Roselandia, Golden Ophelia, Richmond and Hoosier Beauty are still the principal roses sold in the florists shops. 
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