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'Johannes Wesselhöft' rose References
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 278.  
Johannes Wesselhöft Hybrid Tea. Welter & Hinner/Ketten Bros., 1899. From the cross of a seedling of 'K.A. Viktoria' (Hybrid Tea) and 'William Francis Bennett' (Hybrid Tea) with 'Comtesse de Frigneuse' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... sulphur yellow passing to light yellow... Dedicated to a rosarian from Langensalza...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 754.  
Wesselhöft, Johannes (HT) Welter & Hinner 1899; K. Aug. Viktoria X (W.F. Bennett X Ctsse. de Frigneuse); sulphur-yellow, fades to light yellow, medium to large, 3/4-full, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats, long buds and stems, growth 6/10, bushy.
Magazine  (1 Jul 1911)  Page(s) 314.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Johannes Wesselhoft... Hybrid Tea, Welter & Hinner, 1899, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria X Comtesse de Frigneuse
Website/Catalog  (Mar 1911)  Page(s) unnumbered.  
Queens of the Yellows offered exclusively by California Rose Company, Pomona, California
Joanne Wessenhoff [sic] (Hybrid Tea)
A yellow Hybrid Tea sent out from Europe several years since, and a "100 Point" Rose in every particular; in short one of the very grandest roses in our nursery.  We have for several years bent our efforts to work up a large stock of this variety- but not until the present have we succeeded to a point where we felt safe in talking the rose up to its full merits.  We have disseminated practically the entire stock of this variety in existence today, and there is, we might say, practically no stock of it in the U.S. outside of our own and what we have sold to private planters.  The style of growth is very similar to Kaiserin- upright and symmetrical, throwing long flowering shoots amply able to support the flower without drooping; one of the most persistent bloomers and flowers at all times first-class; and from reports it adapts itself to all sections; it is as hardy as La France or Kaiserin so far as we can learn.  The color is clear lustrous yellow, varying somewhat in richness and depth according to the season of the year.  Flowers are of medium size, buds long and pointed, of perfect form; rich in texture and substance; with broad petals which reflex and make the ideal half blown flower.  True Tea fragrance.
Young plants $1.00 per 25; $4.00 per 100; $37.50 per 1000
Book  (1905)  Page(s) 134.  
Johannes Wesselhöft, Hybrid Tea Rose (raised from "Kaiserin Augusta Victoria" by Walter & Hinner, 1900). Large, full, very fragrant, sulphur-yellow, passing into lighter yellow; strong-growing, long-stalked.
Magazine  (Sep 1903)  Page(s) 141.  
Rosiers Hybride de Thé
Ce genre de rosiers thé est un croise ment des rosiers thé par des rosiers hybrides; ils sont très florifères et rustiques, mais l'on n'y rencontre pas tous les coloris.
Rosiers nouveaux de 1899-1900.
Bessie Brown.
Johannes Wesselhoft.
La Favorite.
Madame Cunisset-Carnot.
Madame Ravary.
Mademoiselle de Kerjegu.
Pierre Cuillerat.
Rosomane Gravereaux.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 182.  
Johannes Wesselhöft, HT, Welter, 1899, jaune
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