'T11 AgCan' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p4 1965. Arthur Bell - 59/162. Nicknamed Yellow Carpet. For the Scottish distillery.
Book (2002) Page(s) 22. Rated 7.5
Book (2000) Page(s) 91. Includes photo(s). Arthur Bell = Floribunda... jaune pur – vif en bouton, plus pâle à l’éclosion, presque primevère en fin de floraison… corolle turbinée… en coupe… parfum prenant… feuillage vert vif et brillant. McGredy, UK, 1965.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 91. Includes photo(s). Arthur Bell Floribunda. McGredy (UK) 19665. Description... clear yellow... well able to withstand wet weather... Bell's is a brand familiar to drinkers of Scotch, and Sam McGredy recalled that his reward for this rose was innumerable cases of whisky...
Book (Jul 1996) Page(s) 41. Includes photo(s). Arthur Bell Cluster-flowered bush (Floribunda) McGredy (Northern Ireland) 1965. Description.
Book (1995) Page(s) 78. Arthur Bell was probably the next noteworthy yellow floribunda, a full ten years after the introduction of 'Allgold'... a first-class rose in all ways except for its lack of colour-fastness...
Book (1994) Page(s) 120. Arthur Bell Description... its fragrance is probably stronger than any other Floribunda... large, golden yellow blooms...
Book (Nov 1993) Page(s) 59. Arthur Bell Sam McGredy 1965... warm yellow loosely double flowers with a very rich perfume... foliage appears to be disease-resistant...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 58-59. Includes photo(s). Arthur Bell Cluster-flowered. Sam McGredy 1965... starts out deep golden yellow and pales to primrose and cream... one of the easiest yellow roses to grow, especially in a cool climate. 'Cläre Grammerstorf' x 'Piccadilly'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 29. Arthur Bell Floribunda, medium yellow, 1965, "Cläre Grammerstorf' x 'Piccadilly'; McGredy, S. IV; McGredy. Flowers yellow to creamy yellow, semi-double (15 petals), large; very fragrant; foliage heavily veined; vigorous growth.