'AUSjive' rose Reviews & Comments
According to the booklet, What's In A Name by Angela Pawsey, the Alan Titchmarsh Rose raises money for the charity 'Greenfingers' who create gardens for children's hospices and was introduced in 2012 .
Initial post
7 NOV 20 by
sam w
Like several other English roses, when grown on Fortuniana it can become huge. Mine was at least nine ft. tall and about as wide.
This is a rose of very different character than the usual. The leaves have 7 leaflets, and the bush grows like a bramble or blackberry. For me, the first year flowers were small, quite open and mutipetaled. Second year blooms were small (2"), pale pink, globular, and with little fragrance. Third year, the flowers increased in size to about 2-1/2 inches, were much darker and much better fragrance. The beautiful peony shaped flowers are very short lived, lasting only about 2-3 days on the plant, although the clusters of flowers don't bloom all at once, so the cluster lasts longer as a whole. The flowers also tend to burn easily in hot sun. The plant has a charming grace, and attractive foliage. Because the growth habit is so different from what one might expect from a shrub rose or bedding rose, this is not a rose for the average rose grower.
In Italy it is merchandised as Bardolino
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