'LLX 8654' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
'Lenbrac', HBc, lp, 2000, (Pink Surprise, 'LLX8654'), [R. bracteata × La Rosee], Lens, Louis; flowers light pink, nearly white, reverse white, red stamens, 10-11 cm., single, borne in small clusters, moderate fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, medium green, glossy, evergreen; prickles numerous; bushy, tall (1¾-2 m.) growth
Article (misc) (2005) Page(s) 110, Table 5.1. Pink Surprise: diploid
Article (magazine) (Dec 2000) Page(s) 141. LENbrac, Hybrid Bracteata, light pink, nearly white, reverse white, red stamens, 2000; (Pink Surprise); LLX8654; R. bracteata x 'La Rosee'; Lens, Louis; Louis Lens N.V., 1987...
Magazine (Nov 2000) Page(s) 35. Registration
Book (2000) p122. pollen [was] from Rosa rugosa 'La Rosée'..
p124. .... both 'Pink Surprise' and 'White Surprise' were bred from Rosa bracteata × Rosa rugosa 'La Rosée'
Book (1993) Page(s) 71. Includes photo(s). [Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Description. Raised by Lens (Belgium)… introduced by Austin (Britain) 1987.
Book (1991) Page(s) 14. Includes photo(s). Rose hips of a 'Pink Surprise' hedge photographed in winter