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'Enchantress' peony References
Book  (1928)  Page(s) 61.  
A List of Sixty Choice Peonies of the More Expensive Varieties
White Varieties
Enchanteresse (Lemoine).  8.9.  White.  A very tall growing variety with clean light green stems and foliage.  Blossoms are of the very largest, pure rose type, petals broad, long, and notched at the edges.  Guards a pure creamy white splashed with crimson with occasional faint tracings of crimson on the central petals.  Wondrously beautiful in the bud stage especially when the great pure white buds hang suspended half opened for several days.  When it does finally open, it becomes an immense chaste creation of almost unbelievable beauty.  We understand that this is not a good flower for the south as it is very late and does not open well, but the farther north it is grown, the better it becomes.  As grown with us, it is rated far too low.  It is surely entitled to a rating of 9.2.
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 14.  
Enchantress (Lemoine 1903) 
American Peony Society Rating of 8.9 (36 votes)
Cream white with guard petals splashed crimson.  Center slightly flecked crimson and faintly illuminated with a reflex of green.  Fragrant, tall, erect and late.  This is a gorgeous peony when the season is favorable for its best development.  Each $4.00
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 134-135.  Includes photo(s).
Species— P. albiflora.
Originated by Lemoine
Donated by Cottage Gardens Company.
Description of bloom — Type of bloom rose. Form of bloom globular, compact. Not differentiated. Entirely transformed. Color (total effect) 1 (10) creamy white; guards splashed with scarlet; collar same color as guards; center faintly flecked with crimson. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time very late. Very large size.
Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, tall, medium compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, strong, green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, light green, medium size; veins green.
Commercial value — For cut bloom .good; landscape value good. Variety as a whole good to extra good.
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