Wants afternoon shade. Notable comments: - it may ball and brown if too humid, so give it good air circulation. - very sensitive to too much water as bottom leaves often turn yellow after a rain even in fast draining soil. according to one comment: The plant needs a lot of coddling to grow. Most of all, it is extremely susceptible to thrips and to dry heat. - Many buds abort and those that do start to open turn brown before opening even when sprayed for thrips and heavily irrigated. - Flowers turn crispy and/or brown within 1 day when they do open, particularly at temperatures over 80 degrees. - Flowers can last a bit longer in higher humidity situations such as the rare rain here, and in cooler temperatures.
In 7B, piedmont NC - Container bought from HR and put in pots. Immediately got 1 bloom, but 1 bud was brown and balled instead of opening fully. Have sprayed with fungicide; added coffee grounds and epsom salts to the soil. Moved to afternoon shade and it's not doing much now. Giving her some more time before I figure out if she needs a different spot in the garden, but I am worried about the humidity and heat getting to her too much if I do.